Monday, April 13, 2015

You're Different Than I Am, And That's Okay With Me

Some really hateful things happened all over the book of faces over this past week that had me angry for a spell.  Some vile names were called.  Some anonymity was broken.  Some bitches started tripping.  I was one of them.  While I don't blog anonymously, I respect those who do.  No matter how angry I got, or how much I disagree with someone, I would never disregard someone's desire for privacy.  It's just not right.

Now that we've got my opinion on the subject out there, let's move on.

A very special friend of mine (I'd like to call her a friend, anyway) who is not a blogger, but a page owner, wrote something on her own book of faces page today about friendship.  Her words made me look inside of myself and prompted me to write this today.  This is a woman who I admire for her values, I respect her immensely, and I think the world of her.  She's just awesome and she always knows how to calm a storm.

Her thoughts on being a good friend opened my eyes to the fact that I may have been a bad friend.

Bloggers are a tight knit community.  When we see one of our fellow bloggers being attacked it's not pretty.  People generally jump on one side or the other and then all hell breaks loose and people get their feelings hurt.  I know that I got my feelings hurt.  Not because someone disagreed with me, but because I saw someone being a bully while playing the victim of bullying.  I think that we can all agree that at some point in our lives we have all been faced with ugly words and nastiness.  A difference of opinion is not the same as being mean and hateful and spiteful.  I'm guilty of jumping on the bandwagon of hate.  I said ugly things about someone because they were being hateful and spiteful to my friend.  For that, I'm sorry.  When in the moment of feeling anger, it's so hard not to defend the one being picked on.  It doesn't matter which side you pick, it's wrong to carry a sword in a fight that doesn't belong to you.  Not my beagles, not my hunt.  (Southern people will get that euphemism.)

While reading this friends thoughts on what a true friend is, though, I found wisdom.  My heart felt heavy, but my mind was enlightened.  There was wisdom in her words that nearly knocked me to my knees.  Those are the best kind of friends.  The ones who tell you the truth.  The ones who hold nothing back and throw all the punches when you need a busted head.  I don't know if her words were directed at me.  It doesn't matter.  I took something from them and made it my own.  She felt something, wrote it, and I took what I needed and left the rest.  I call her my friend because of this.

With that being said, today I am at peace.  With myself, with my opinions (no matter who agrees or disagrees), and with my ability to be a friend.  We all make mistakes, and I'm not scared to be the first to admit mine.

What are your thoughts on the makings of a good friend?


  1. Hussy, your words are as beautiful as the friends words that prompted this. You are both beautiful!
    Now, pass the beer, lets get tanked & forget the last few days - Love from your friend, Man Lee :)

    1. Thanks, Mr. Britches! I'll get to that beer in a couple hours. :)

  2. I said it already, but it bears repeating: you were the first person who welcomed me to Muppetland*. (*courtesy of PrissyBritches) I remember thinking WHY IS SHE SHARING ME? But it soon became apparent that you are a genuinely good person, and while you may be flawed (we all are), you are not malicious. I have absolutely no stake in the conflict that you are referencing, aside from being vaguely aware of it. I have been keeping watch on another cauldron - your words lifted my heart today at a time when I needed it. <3

    1. Thanks, girl! Anger is a hell of a drug, huh? <3

      Sharing you was easy, you're amazing!

