Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sometimes A Woman Starts Menopause. And It's Fucking Hard.

Sometimes a woman just needs to write.  Sometimes she needs to get things out.  Sometimes she needs a release.  Sometimes she gets overwhelmed with life, and bills, and money problems, and what she's supposed to be doing, and whatever the fuck else it is that puts her in a dark place.

For me it seems to be a reoccurrence of being without money, no stamina to accomplish things, pre-menopause creeping it's ugly head into my body, and depression that comes and goes.

Some days are good.  Some days are bad.  My life is not bad, I just have this hormone thing going on and I can't seem to drag my body and mind together.

It doesn't seem serious yet, physically.  Aside of the night sweats and food cravings and being cold or hot sixty-eleventy times a day.  Not to me, anyway.  But my loved ones are noticing the changes.  And that has set my mind in motion.  My mind in motion is not a good thing.  My mind can, and has, gotten me in deep shit throughout my lifetime.  I'm a dark ass bitch.  For real.  (Dark minds think alike, am I right?)

The thing is, I'm at a place in life where I know that everything is going to be okay.  I don't have demons who are ready to pounce on me and put me under like other time periods, I've grown a lot in the last 7 to 10 years.  I have a positive outlook and positive reinforcements.  Those are things I've never really had years ago, or at least I didn't think I had them.  Maybe I was just too busy pushing people away to realize they were positive to me.

My question is this:  How long does this menopause shit last?
And one more question:  Why the fuck am I starting it this early?  I'm in my EARLY 40's, for fuck's sake!

Crazy Hussy.  I'm totally gonna change my name to Crazy Hussy.

This shit blows.  And by blows I mean like a hurricane kind, not like a blowjob kind.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. All of this. I'm 49, I knew it was coming. But damn, this shot is crazy. And now I'm crazy. Well, crazier than usual. My emotions are all over the place. And that's in an hour!! I'm slowly going crazy. So, you're not alone, Hussy. We'll be crazy together! 😝
